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EXPO 2015. What the EU could bring to the Expo Milan and What the Expo Milan could bring to the EU?

7:00 p.m. 25 April 2013

The Expo 2015 in Milan coincides with the closing year of the Millennium Development Goals and is thehalfway point of the Europe 2020 strategy.

Expo 2015 will bring to the fore topics of key importance to many EU initiatives and policies. With the potentialto reach millions of visitors, the Expo 2015 will hence be the occasion for the EU to communicate its keycontributions and successes in the fields of food and sustainability.More than that, it will be the ideal opportunity for an open and forward-looking exchange with citizens, withfurther involvement of the citizens in future policy development.

This CaffExpò will aim to informally present and discuss ideas for the EU contribution to the Expo Milan.

Click here to watch the video of the event!